Friday 27 June 2008

Friday night...

So... only a couple more days until we leave. Bob had his last day of work today, and will be moving to a new sqaudron after we return from our vacation... not really looking forward to that but I know it will be ok...

He... Bob is downstairs now with some friends... they are all playing Rock Band... The TV is turned up really loud and there are 4 grown adult men playing video games in my living room.. it is quite hysterical... But who says you can't have fun, and truthfully I love them too.

I got my hair done today, it is very different than what I have had before... I have been growing it out forever and finally had Denise color it really fun and funky...

Now I just have to figure out how to attach a photo... It has blonde and red chunky highlites in it... the lighting in my room isn't the greatest...
Gonna go see what the big kids are doing downstairs... LOL
Have a great weekend...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I love your hair you look really young!!! How fun and sassy!!!!

Yes we watch ANTM, girl I am addicted to it! I never let Alyssa watch it due to the crud on there but I watched it faithfully and even went on UTube and watched the first season to the last! LMBO!!! It was pretty bad off for awhile as that is all I did all day.... But now that I am caught up it's cool. I am so glad that Whitney won, I was really rooting for her! The Farmer show didn't see all that popular, but it was right on after ANTM so that hooked me.

I would love to be there watching shows with you laughing and crying all in one! I miss you too girl, it seems like forever and each year seems to put an ocean between us...

You quit huh? That's cool. I am trying to get a job. I actually applied for the stocker position at the BX, but I trust that if it's a door God wants me to walk through then I will.

I can just see grown men being loud and having fun! Dayv is due to come there for a week {well pass through} on the 7th-11th if you guys are there. Just let me know.

Yes, you need to start scrapping again, I want to see your pages!!!