Wednesday 25 June 2008


So, I have never been the type of person to journal or blog... but as I sit her looking at my friends blogs and feeling the connection to them, I think maybe I can try it... It may not last, but I will give it my best shot...

I just recently sent my children back to the USA for vacation to spend two weeks with my parents... Bob and I are following on the 1st of July... We are looking forward to a nice vacation, I just hope I don't have to come home and feel like I need another vacation... We will be in Kentucky and Minnesota and Wisconsin for a total of 29 days...

Sitting here at almost 1am, Bob is working a mid-shift... it is very quiet and I realize how boring it would be if I didn't have my kids... I think I am finally actually missing them :) Sure my house is clean, the bathrooms are spotless and all the laundry is done... but it has been very quiet and downright boring without them. The time with Bob has been wonderful, we have spent some quality time together...but I know that after they are all gone we will have lots of our time then...

I think I will try to make sure I come back while I am on vacation and share some of it with you...

I am off to bed now.... night


Elizabeth said...

Well girlie! Welcome to the blogging world!! You are such a cutie! You know I can see you sitting in your house, with it all clean bored out of your mind!!! You do know that if I were there it wouldn't be the least bit boring at all!!! :) We'd definitely have a great time!

I miss you like it was yesterday!!! It never gets any easier does it? I sure wished like crazy that you lived or we lived near one another again... Even though we aren't talking a lot these days, you gotta know that I truly do think about you all the time!

I hope you have a great time with your family and friends on your vacation! Be safe and take loads of photos!

Christa said...

CONGRATS my blogger friend!!! :)

I do hope that you stop by when you can and tell us all about your vacation. Post pics too. :)

Have a GREAT time with everyone.
Love ya